Spring Cleaning – Reviewing your security program

by | Apr 8, 2024 | News & Articles

Spring Cleaning – Reviewing your security program

Regular review of your security program is a crucial part of creating a safe facility for inmates, employees, and visitors. Any time is a good time to look inward and plan, review your operations, and make investment decisions based on long-term security challenges.

Every week STVS speaks with customers, many of whom are using a legacy body scanner, but are asking questions about how that piece fits into the bigger puzzle of creating contactless, efficient, and accurate screening programs.

The problem has not changed –increased intake, contraband smuggling, and growing liabilities – but thankfully the response has. A few important things to keep in mind:

  • There is no “silver bullet” system or technology for security that will solve all your challenges – it takes an integrated, multilayered approach
  • Anyone who tries to sell you something that will solve all your problems is lying
  • Think about all your different security vulnerabilities and screening needs. Do you have an inmate body scanner already? What is your program for visitors and employees? What about parcels, standard mail, and a banned substance recovery unit?
  • Make sure they have experience in what you need. Many suppliers say they can do something, but what is their real-world experience? Do they have all the technologies and solutions you need? What about non-rad body scanners? Can they point to solving security screening challenges for all your audiences – inmates, visitors, employees?
  • Focus on service: When you are researching who to trust, think about whether they employ in-house service technicians or if you will be sent to a third-party. Ensure all service personnel are factory trained and certified.


In summary, when conducting “spring cleaning” of your security program, do not forget to think about the bigger puzzle. Trust someone who can show you how to put all the pieces together. Learn more at SecureTechvs.com.